
Ayurveda is a methodology of healthy living and health care system for Indians. It sprouted some 5500 years ago in the planes of Ganges (The Holy River). It was the only health care system until the invasion of British to this subcontinent. Even now in this 21st century all most all Indians depend on Ayurvedic formulations and therapies at some stages of their life.

In the past few decades people from all around the globe got interested in this system and therapies. Reasons can be numerous

  • Strong philosophic background and The Holistic Approach.
  • Drugs are mostly herbal and adverse effects are less.
  • Many autoimmune/ chronic/new generation diseases with no specific cure.
  • Hazards of modern medicaments.
  • Quest for quality life.
  • The current practice of Ayurveda is not evidence based. Excellent therapies and formulations are in practice all over India, but clinical documentations are not being done in a scientific way. Many often, claims raised were not much trust worthy.

    Lac of full-fledged documentation is a major short fall in the field of Ayurveda. Many, including Government agencies have started working to this cause.

    Unavailability of genuine Ayurvedic Herbs is another major problem facing by the practitioners. Many plant parts are difficult to get in bulk quantities. It is a true belief that many herbo-mineral products are not very safe for prolonged use. A quite large number of such products are available in Indian Market and are being used extensively in general practice.

    This site aims at

  • Providing information regarding genuine Ayurveda.
  • Re-search in Ayurveda.
  • To develop evidence based practice culture in this system.
  • Generate awareness of possible side effects of un-judicial usage of mineral products.
  • Promote cultivation of Ayurvedic Medicinal plants.
  • Discussions regarding relevant issues of public interest in Ayurveda